Orkan Harvey, ki je na obalo Teksasa udaril kot orkan 4. stopnje je nekatere predele povsem razdejal. Sunki vetra so po nekaterih podatkih ponekod dosegali hitrost 230 km/h. Veter je ruval drevesa, podiral hiše, odnašal strehe, table, semaforje, … Po trenutnih podatkih je orkan že zahteval 3 smrtne žrtve, vendar oblasti pričakujejo, da se bo ta številka še povečala.
Dogajanja še ni konec. Orkan je sicer oslabel in sedaj nosi status tropske nevihte, ki se je “zasidrala” nad južni del Teksasa in bo tam nadaljevala svoje uničenje še naslednjih nekaj dni. Težave zdaj povzročajo predvsem obilne padavine, na vzhodni strani tropske nevihte se prožijo tudi močne nevihtne linije s silovitimi nalivi, ki lokalno povzročajo hudourniške poplave. Ponekod velja tudi nevarnost pred nastankom tornadov. Lokalno bo Harvey skupaj prinesel tudi do okrog 1000 mm dežja v le nekaj dneh.
Spodaj smo zbrali nekaj aktualnih fotografij in videoposnetkov, ki so preplavili družabno omrežje Twitter.
Foto: Heavy news
Major devastation in Holiday Beach, TX just north of Rockport, TX worst yet we have seen from #Harvey @breakingweather pic.twitter.com/vZ9tBhyz2p
— Reed Timmer (@ReedTimmerAccu) August 26, 2017
More devastation and now flooding with westerlies on south side of #Harvey in Rockport, TX. River flooding now concern N @breakingweather pic.twitter.com/0fCGWFyAMu
— Reed Timmer (@ReedTimmerAccu) August 26, 2017
This photo from Meyerland area, southwest Houston. Shared by a resident there. #houwx #harvey pic.twitter.com/qYu6bwe4DF
— Dylan Baddour (@DylanBaddour) August 27, 2017
NEW: A FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY has been issued for much of the Houston metro area. STAY HOME! Flooding ongoing #Harvey pic.twitter.com/pCTlmRBnrG
— The Weather Channel (@weatherchannel) August 27, 2017
PHOTOS: Hurricane #Harvey leaves widespread devastation https://t.co/UJW3OlNWng pic.twitter.com/tonEePYCt4
— The Weather Channel (@weatherchannel) August 26, 2017
My hotel in Rockport the morning after #Hurricane #HARVEY. Families & children were evacuated to nearby concrete school during calm eye. pic.twitter.com/FwWpF3VJFM
— Josh Morgerman (@iCyclone) August 26, 2017
VIDEO: wall missing from our hotel shelter on entire side and collapsed stairwell via #Harvey Thankfully got to other side @breakingweather pic.twitter.com/cYZmiqKEEF
— Reed Timmer (@ReedTimmerAccu) August 26, 2017
Major flooding is blocking business 35 south of Rockport, TX. Search and rescue teams combing through rubble @breakingweather #Harvey pic.twitter.com/R2Kh95gI0s
— Reed Timmer (@ReedTimmerAccu) August 26, 2017
Heartbreaking images continue to come in from Texas #Harvey> We’re continuing to cover it on WeatherNation pic.twitter.com/rsmD1xSbya
— WeatherNation (@WeatherNation) August 26, 2017
NEW: back eye wall of Hurricane #Harvey from Rockport, Texas. @breakingweather first light is here going to retrieve probe pic.twitter.com/xEQ6ZmFz7q
— Reed Timmer (@ReedTimmerAccu) August 26, 2017
Orkan Harvey je zanimiv tudi iz vidika kako hitro je nastal. Njegova moč se je v le 72 urah povečala iz navadne nevihte v 4. stopnjo orkana. Temu je botroval predvsem topel Mehiški zaliv.
Want to see something incredible? Watch #Harvey transition from “remnants” to a Major Cat. 4 Hurricane in 72 hours. #PrelimNonOperational pic.twitter.com/EvxSH1WgxW
— Cory Mottice (@EverythingWX) August 26, 2017